The film with Pamela Ramos, Rosa Da Costa, Antonio Lima, Melanie Pereira, Lola Vieira, Alexander Prince, David Murgia was featured at the 2017 Gindou Film Festival and the 2017 La Roche Yon International Film Festival.
The DVD includes as a bonus an excerpt from the "Tchatche" from Gindou cinema meetings with Laurence Ferreira Barbosa, director of the film.
This film tells the story of Pamela, a second-generation Portuguese girl born in France. Embroiled in her contradictions, her failures and the absolute love for her family, she feels lost and seems unable to imagine how she could live her life ... It is under the influence of Claudia, intrepid and rebellious teenager, that Pamela will dare to choose the unknown and freedom. The film puts forward a Portuguese society that cultivates this way of being at ease in French society while preferring an intimate and secret "Between us".